day 7 - sq cirq to albi


route description

The day starts by crossing the river and follows the southern bank for a couple of kilometres before climbing on an empty road into some wooded hills. Around Limogne (12K in) the countryside opens up into farmland. The roads continue to be empty and perfect for cycling. The villages are however very small and the supply of cafes and restaurants is very limited. From around Parisot (30K) the roads get a little bigger, but still very quiet by most standards, and we start going downhill. We pass Beaulieu-en-Rouergue abbey on the D33 before Verfeil.


We stopped for lunch at Restaurant Le Segalar just before Milhars (50km). It was a very pleasant country restaurant. After Milhars the route follows the D600 for about 10Km before switching to the very quiet D25.  The road eventually rejoins the D600 for a busier stretch of about 10km into Albi. The road is good quality and it is an enjoyable descent into the town.